Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reuse:Don't Waste God's Blessings

The principle of reuse, is where we take what we already have, and use them over and over again. For the Christian, I believe this teaches us not to waste God's blessings. We already know God is a provider who sends us what we need (food, water, clothing,shelter,a Messiah). But when we carelessly reject God's blessings, we find ourselves rejecting God's will for our lives.

Look at Esau in Genesis 25: 29-34 (NRSV)

'Once when Jacob was cooking a stew, Esau came in from the feild, and he was famished. Esau said to Jacod, "Let me eat some of that red stuff, for I am famished!" (Therefore he was called Edom.) Jacob said, "First sell me your birthright." Esau said, I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?" Jacob said, "Swear to me first." So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew, and he ate and drank, and rose and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright."

Did you read that? He dispised his birthright. As the oldest son, he was suppose to be the favored son and hereit greatly. But because he only thought of his own temporary pleasure, (Do you guys think he was really straving to death? Come on...)He threw away that which God would have given him. And he doesn't really realize what he's done until later, when Jacob steals his blessing from their father.

Genesis 27: 36a'Esau said, "Is he not rightly named Jacob? For he has supplanted me these two times."

Rejecting God's blessings in his life, lead Esau to hate and plot against his brother. It drove his brother away. Thankfully, time seemed to heal Esau's wounds and he realized his mistake.

Genesis 33: 4 'But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept.'

Genesis 33:9 'But Esau said, "I have enough my brother; keep what you have for yourself."

Esau learned not to waste God's blessings. We can do the same in our practical lives by not wasting paper or plastic products or clothes. By growing our own food to use again and again. By turning off the electronic devices and lights when we leave a room and buying a surge protector to help save energy. By not running water while we brush our teeth. These little acts of not wasting God's blessings prepares our hearts to do His will when He calls us. By acknowledging God in the little things, we become ready to acknowledge the big blessings He has for us. Like wisdom, forgiveness, faith, hope and a Savior.

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