Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 15th's Blog : Recycle as an Ilustration for New Life

I did it again! I do apologize for my slacker ways... Enjoy!

When you no longer can reuse something, the time comes when you have to trash recycled. Paper, plastic, aluminum cans usually have to be sent off to be recycled. It's still debatable if recycling these products is just as wasteful as throwing them away because of the water used in the process and the gas used in the transport. But considering most of our product packaging nowadays is made from recycled materials, I think the effort is worth it.

Some things have to be recycled with a little creativity. I for instance, use old clothes and reconstruct them into new fashions. Some people get really creative. Like turning old cassette tapes into purse or old game pieces into jewelry. is full of recycled goods.

But for the Christian, the concept of recycling is obviously a practice meant to help us be good stewards of the earth. But to find biblical content, you have to think of recycling as not just a practical way to be a good steward. It has to become a symbol for the new life we have in Christ.

In Isaiah 35:1-2 (NRSV) for example, God promises that creation will rejoice at the glory of the Lord.

Isaiah 65:17 promises that God will create a new heaven and earth and the former earth will be forgotten.

Isaiah 66:22 God promises that the new heaven and earth shall remain as shall God's children.

In response to this promise, creation groans for redemption in Romans 8: 18-23.

Thankfully, 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 Redemption and new creation is given to anyone who receives Christ.

But be warned Christian! For acts or good deeds or being a good person (or saving the environment) are not enough to be a new creation. For Galatians 6: 15 says the new creation is everything, and 'circumcision' (the act or good deed Paul was addressing at the time) or uncircumcision is nothing.

And now that we are new creations in Christ, we wait for the second coming so God can fulfill His promise to restore all of creation as it states in 2 Peter 3: 13.

And once again, God promises there will be a new Jerusalem on earth in Revelation 21:1.

So when you recycle, be aware that you are being armed with a powerful metaphor for the Gospel and our hope in Christ.

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