Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Creation Day!

Earth Day is here! And while one day a day the world remembers their responsibilties to the earth, Christians are responsible for the earth and the people in it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, every year of their life.

For Christians, we are redeemed and restored for God's glory. Read the following passages, and you can see for yourself God's promises to restore and redeem the earth as part of the new heaven and new earth.

Isaiah 11:1-9
Isaiah 65:17-25
Joel 2:18-27
Revelation 21:1-5
Revelation 22:1-5

The reason I'm having you, the reader, study these passages for yourself, is because the journey to go green for God is now up to you. You need to find out how you are to proceed and take steps to protect the planet. The most important thing I can tell you is pray to God and seek His guidance. Read his Word. Then, once you've made an impact in your personal life for the earth, find ways within your church family to take action.

From now on, I will post ideas and websites on how to go green for God, and prehaps next Creation Day, I might actually post for the entire month. But in conclusion for this year, I thank anyone who has followed this blog and I leave you with this thought. Imagine the beauty of creation as you know it, then imagine the world as it will look upon God's ultimate redemption. It will simply not compare.

God bless and Happy Creation Day!

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